Redefining the check-in-out process for the travellers.
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Centralized solution

Sliceroom's ingenious intellect towards hotel room booking changed people's aspect of booking hotel rooms. Sliceroom opened the online doors for its customers by providing an exclusive feature of booking hotel rooms on an hourly basis. It was so decisive among its customers besides it was paying value for money. Sliceroom's prospect in satisfying customer's expectation felt luscious among its customers, which made them a top-grossing hotel room booking site for corporate stays.

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Our challenge was to advertise their legacy and provide a centralized solution in the comprehensive mobile platform, so both teams worked closely together in order to define a plan of action. Finally, as an outcome of teamwork, we figured out the Agile and Scrum approach, which was so efficient in comprehending the best possibilities suitable for slicerooms.

Paying for your use

Sliceroom’s instincts towards hotel room booking were so impulsive that it drove premium lounges of fortune hotels as their associates. Sliceroom's appealing assistance towards customers provided its customers with flexible check-in and check-out timings irrespective of conventional hotel norms. The ‘pay for your use’ ideology behind sliceroom was to provide rooms to customers on the aspect of time.

Besides meeting its customer's expectations, slicerooms do care about their associative partners as well. Based on customers reviews and rating hotels with the best service are often recognized by sliceroom and its customers. Apart from booking rooms, slicerooms ensured its customers felt the presence of comfort by facilitating other conveniences such as airport transfers, travel arrangements, breakfast, spa facilities and themed dinners.

Optimizing and simplifying

Together, teams from Excrin and Slicerooms worked closely to integrate Sliceroom's room booking mechanism. The app optimizes the entire booking path for the guests. The app also simplifies the reservation for the user by providing time-to-time notifications based on reservation and availability.

We initiated the process with intense research in analyzing slicerooms customers on the key personas such as check-in and check-out time, mapping customers journey with their choice of location. Our developers formulated the best possibilities for the app taking into account of various concerns such as mobile device's screen ratio, version and compatibility.

Conclusively, we succeeded in crafting the aspects of slicerooms with our expertise in mobile development to a user centralized mobile app.